Positive Affirmations for Children

I’m no psychologist but life experience has taught me that positive words can inspire, uplift, and give hope. With the recent wave of violence, it is more important now than ever that we become intentional on the words we use with our children.

To help promote self-confidence and provide a nurturing environment, I wrote the affirmations below for my 9-year-old son. It’s taped on the wall near his bedroom door and before he starts the day, he says them, loud and proud. Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated which can challenge negative thoughts and help make positive changes. 

My Affirmations

I matter and I am loved deeply

I can learn anything I put my mind into

I am perfect just the way I am

I am honest, helpful, and kind

I can learn from my mistakes

I am brave

I can find the beauty in all things

I can ask for help when I need it

I will use my voice to uplift others

I am full of focus and drive

I am unique

I can change the world

I am the best thing to happen to my family

I am enough

My future is bright

Do you have a list of affirmations for your child? Share it with me here. 

For more on affirmations and a child development guide, check out the resources below.


ROOTS of Action

KID Activities


Ripple Kindness Project

Child Development Through the Years (verywellfamily.com)


Join me at ECMAA’s Summer Kick-Off


Leadership Lessons from My Mom